Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Saving Britain's Past

What is heritage?  What is your heritage?


What is important to you?

What would you save?  What objects symbolises you and your identity?  

Buildings? Objects?  Places?  Family photographs?

BBC presenter Tom Dyckhoff presents Saving Britain's Past http://www.open2.net/savingbritainspast/index.html a past we don't want to forget or lose

The programme includes 

The Baedeker Raids, Bath, The post war Park Hill estate in Sheffield, Covent Garden, The Country House, Big Pit, South Wales, Assynt Crofters, Scotland and a multi cultural heritage, 

For a free saving Britain's Past booklet to accompany the television series please contact http://www.open2.net/savingbritainspast/free_booklet.html

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